Are You Ready for Hauntingly Spook-tac-ular Halloween Treats?
Today, The Wild Adventure Girls is going to show you how to make spooky and delicious Candy Corn Jell-O treats in this easy DIY Halloween Treat Recipe.
What is Candy Corn Jell-O Treats? Think of taking your favorite Halloween Candy Corn, and turning it into a jiggly treat that is too terrifying not to eat.
Sweet! So, How Do I Make
It? Or Dare I ask?
This is where the ghostly fun treat making begins! Now it's time to mix a bit of Halloween with gooey Jell-O making awesomeness. To make your own Candy Corn Jell-O, we will need to brew a few spooky ingredients...
Let's get started with what you need to make “Candy Corn Jell-O!!
- A Box of Yellow and Orange Jell-O.
- Ghost Whip (Also known as Whip Cream).
- Candy Corn.
- Witches Mug (Any Glass Mug or Cup will do).
- A large bowl for mixing.
Now, let's get brewing! The first thing we are going to do is take our Yellow Jell-O and pour it into our bowl. Next, we are going to add some boiling hot water. Once your water is added, you will want to mix your brew until the Jell-O has completely dissolved.
Smelling the Halloween magic in the air? Sweet! Let’s keep going…
We are now ready to add the first Spook-a-licious layer of Jell-O to our Witches Mugs! Once your first layer is added, you will want to stick it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to cool off.
While your first layer of Candy Corn Jell-O goodness is taking shape, you will want to repeat the steps above with your Ghostly Orange Colored Jell-O.
Trick or Treat?
Got Candy? Great! We will be needing it to bring our Jell-O Candy Corn Treats back from the dead and into a yummy ghost-astic treat. Now that everything has cooled off in our witches’ mugs, it is time to add our Ghost Whip and Candy Corn for the finishing touches!
So now that you know how it works, join in on the spook-tac-ular fun and laugh along while The Wild Adventure Girls create Candy Corn Jell-O Treats epicness!
Will Angelina, Scarlett and Annabella be turned into Candy Corn before their dessert spell recipe is finished? Tune is to see what happens when The Wild Adventure Girls explore the world of Halloween and treats!
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Bob PRUITT (Thursday, 22 October 2020 18:54)
So much Halloween fun!
Regan (Thursday, 17 December 2020 09:58)
you guys have the best videos
Giuliana (Tuesday, 25 May 2021 16:26)
Yum ,I am soooo going to try this