Have You Ever Seen Slime Change Color Right Before Your Eyes?
Today The Wild Adventure Girls are going to mix super cool science with slimy
gooey fun and show you how to make your very own Color Changing Slime!
What is Color Changing Slime? Think of taking a mood ring and transforming it into slime that changes color right before your eyes
simply by adding heat. That's right, this slime will change instantly into a brand-new color by using Thermochromic Pigments. What are Thermochromic
Pigments? Great questions! The word "Thermo" comes from the Greek word "thermos," which means warm or hot. "Chromic" comes from "chroma," meaning
color. When heat is applied to these pigments, the color dyes change molecular structures. One form reflects colored light, the other is colorless. This comes
from liquid crystals or "leuco dye" technology.
Cool! So, How Do I Make It?
This is where the color changing slimy fun begins! Now it's time to mix a bit of science with gooey slime making coolness. To make your own Color Changing Slime we will need to combine a few fun ingredients...
Ingredients Needed to Make “Color Changing Slime”!!
- Elmer's Glue.
- 1 Table Spoon Water.
3/4 Teaspoon of Thermochromic Pigments (Colors Vary).
1/4 Cup Liquid Corn Starch
- Food Coloring.
Okay, let's get started! The first thing we are going to do is take our Elmer's Glue and pour it into a bowl. Next, we are going to take our same glue bottle and fill it 1/2 full of water and give it a good shake. Now that you have your water solution, feel free to go wild and pour it back into your bowl.
Next, it's time to pick your slime
colors! There are
different thermochromic pigment colors, so you want to pick one that will compliment your slime. For example, we used a purple pigment with a pink slime base. When
heated, your slime will turn bright pink from a dark purple slime. Now that your colors are picked out, you are going to want to add your food coloring to
your glue and then top it off with 3/4 teaspoon of thermochromic pigments.
Okay, it's time to get mixing and create some Color Changing Slime Magic! Ready to turn this goo into
slime? Sweet! Let's keep going...
It is now time to grab your Liquid Corn Starch and start adding it to your glue. Remember to add just a little at a time and make sure to keep stirring until your glue turns into ooey gooey slime!
So now that you know how it works, join in on the fun at home and laugh along while The Wild Adventure Girls show you how to make Color Changing Slime greatness!
Will Angelina, Scarlett and Annabella have so much fun making Color Changing Slime they will never make another slime again? Tune in to see what happens when The Wild Adventure Girls explore the world of colors and slime!
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tica (Thursday, 13 September 2018 20:08)
doing this for science fair but using 2 types of thermocromic material