Have You Ever Tried Making a Giant Stress Ball?
Today The Wild Adventure Girls are going to mix science with Giant Stress
Ball gooeyness! Well, sort of...
Did you know that sometimes something can be considered both a liquid and a solid? Seems impossible, but its true! Scientists call this non-Newtonian fluid and Oobleck (pronounced eww-bleck) is perfect for making our Giant Stress balls! These are gooey, fun and so, so squishy!
So...What Is Oobleck?
Oobleck is a super cool substance that has properties of both a liquid and solid. If you slowly dip your hand into your Oobleck it will act like a liquid, but if you squeeze the Oobleck quickly - or punch it, it will punch back and act like a solid. The name Oobleck comes from the Dr. Seuss book, “Bartholomew and the Oobleck.” (We knew you would care.)

Sweet! So, How Do I Make Them?
This is where it gets fun! Now it's time to mix a bit of science with oobleck making awesomeness. To make your own Oobleck Stress Balls, we will need to combine a few ingredients...
Let's get started with what you need for your own “Giant Oobleck Stress Balls”!!
Liquid Measuring Cup
Water Bottles full of water: You will be using both the water and the bottles 😊
Giant Balloons: The bigger the balloons, the bigger your stress ball, so don’t be afraid to go big!
5. A large plastic container for mixing.
Now, let’s get started! The first thing we are going to do is pour our cornstarch into a giant container. Next, it’s time to turn our cornstarch into Oobleck magic. To do this, we are going to need to add some water and mix it with our cornstarch.
Once your science goo is ready to go, its time to pour it into your water bottles! This can get a little messy, but that’s part of the fun! This is going to make it easy to get your Oobleck into your giant balloon.
Now that your water bottles are full of Oobleck, you will need take your mix and pour it slowly into your giant
balloons! Then to finish it off, you’ll need to tie your balloon and cut off the end.
Want to make your stress ball extra secure? Put your completed balloon into another balloon so you can squeeze your new stress ball without any unwanted explosions!
So now that you know how it works, join in on the fun at home and laugh along while The Wild Adventure Girls create Giant Oobleck Stress Ball squishyness!
Will Angelina, Annabella and Scarlett become so relaxed by their Giant Stress Balls that they will no longer film another episode? Tune is to see what happens when The Wild Adventure girls explore the world of science and stress balls!
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