Have you ever wanted to blow a bubble as long as a snake?
Today The Wild Adventure Girls are going to take you on a wild bubble adventure and show you how to make your very own, super fun, “Bubble Snake” with our easy homemade bubble recipe!
What is a Bubble Snake? Great question! Think of being able to blow a bubble so long that looks like a snake, but floats away just like a bubble.
Cool! So, How Do I Make It?
This is where the bubbly fun begins! It’s now time to mix a bit of science with bubble making awesomeness! In order to make your own Bubble Snake, we are going to need a few things...
Let's get started with what you need for your own “Bubble Snake Recipe”!!
- An Empty Water Bottle.
- Food Coloring (Optional).
- A Full Water Bottle.
- 1/3 Cup of Dish Soap.
- Scissors.
- A Pair of Socks.
Now, let’s get started! The first thing we are going to do is make our super fun bubble mixture. To do this, we are going to take our water bottle and empty out 1/4th cup of water. Now that there is some space in the water bottle, we are going to fill our water bottle back up with dish soap. If you want to be wild and adventurous, go ahead and add a few drops of your favorite color food coloring, and then give your bottle a good shake.
Ready for the final steps? We thought you would be!
Now that your bubble mixture is ready to go, it’s time to turn our empty water bottles into a Bubble Snake Machine! To do this, we are going to cut off the bottoms of our empty water bottles with some scissors and then wrap the bottom of the bottle with a sock. If you are having any trouble keeping the sock on the bottle, you may want to try using a Gatorade Bottle.
Time to make some "Snake Bubble" magic? Now that everything is ready, the only thing there is left to do is dip your empty water bottle into your bubble solution and create your very own super cool Bubble Snake!

So now that you know how it works, join in on the fun at home and laugh along while The Wild Adventure Girls create Rainbow Bubble Snake epicness!
Will Angelina, Scarlett and Annabella be lifted away by their new bubble snakes to never be seen again? Tune is to see what happens when The Wild Adventure Girls explore the world of science and bubbles!
Now tell us, What Have You Discovered Lately? Like this Article? Don't forget to share!
Write a comment
Erin Yeo (Tuesday, 16 February 2021 12:29)
Wow. That looks like fun!
e.h. (Wednesday, 03 March 2021 14:19)
Samantha��� (Monday, 22 March 2021 17:05)
Wow that looks so awesome I would definitely try that. I love coming to your website to post comments because I am watching your videos on youtube on my school computer and on my school computer comments are turned off, along with the notification bell.
The Wild Adventure Girls (Monday, 22 March 2021 18:20)
Hi Samantha!
That is so cool that you are able to watch our videos at school! Thank you for watching and for posting your awesome comments! We hope you have a great week. :)
Samantha��� (Monday, 22 March 2021 19:18)
I don't get to watch your at school, I have my school computer here at home with me, because where I live I only go into school twice a week, but I think it's still pretty cool.
Giuliana (Monday, 17 May 2021 15:28)
I live in Michagan,and here is my number.(201)741-6251
Samantha��� (Tuesday, 25 May 2021 14:00)
Hi girls
I've been wanting to know where you girls live for a while, I live in Virginia. I've started to think that you girls live in Texas because I saw your video where you went to Rangers Stadium.
Zion Jones (Monday, 12 September 2022)
But the part where Angelina was stuck in a tree was so funny I couldn't stop laughing!
The Wild Adventure Girls (Monday, 12 September 2022 18:29)
Hi Zion! Haha, that was one of our favorite parts too! We are so glad you liked that. It took us a while to get Angelina up there, lol.
Thank you so much for watching and for your awesome comment!! #WagSquad #WildAdventureGirls
Khloe (Thursday, 24 August 2023 16:54)
Hi I wish I was you're sister