Have You Ever Wanted to Mix Magnets with Slime?
Today The Wild Adventure Girls are going to mix ooey gooey slimy fun with super
tiny magnets and show you how to make your very own Magnetic Slime!
What is Magnetic Slime? Think of a super stretchy and squishy slime that you can make jump out or move at your
command! That's right, this slime wants your magnet and the closer you get your magnet to your slime, the faster your slime will jump towards it.
Cool! So, How Do I Make It?
This is where the magnetic slimy fun begins! Now it's time to mix a bit of science with gooey slime making awesomeness. To make your own Magnetic Slime we will need to combine a few fun ingredients...
Ingredients Needed to Make “Magnetic Slime”!!
- Elmer's Glue.
- Iron Fillings.
- Magnets (Neodymium Magnets work best).
- Borax (or Liquid Starch)
- Water and Measuring Cup for your Borax.
Okay, let's get started! The first thing we are doing to do it take our Elmer's Glue and pour it into a bowl. Next, we are going to take our same glue bottle and fill it 1/2 full of water and give it a good shake. Now that you have your water solution, feel free to go wild and pour it back into your bowl.
Next, we are going to mix 1 teaspoon of Borax with 1/2 cup of water. This is going to dilute the Borax and allow it to activate your slime. Once you have your Borax mixture, you are going to want to take your Borax and slowly add the solution to your glue. Remember to add just a little at a time and make sure to keep stirring until your glue turns into ooey gooey slime!
Have your slime ready to go? Sweet! Let's keep going...
Get ready to make some magnetic slimy magic! You're going to add iron fillings to your slime and mix it until you have created a magnetic slime masterpiece. Ready to see your slime dance? It's now time to grab your magnets and be amazed at what you can now make your magnetic slime do!
So now that you know how it works, join in on the fun at home and laugh along while The Wild Adventure Girls create Magnetic Slime epicness!
Will Angelina, Scarlett and Annabella's magnets become so strong that they get sucked into their slime? Tune is to see what happens when The Wild Adventure girls explore the world of magnets and slime!
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Giuliana (Tuesday, 16 February 2021 13:52)
Hi I'm Giuliana Araiza and I Love The Wild Adventure Girls can I be a part of the squad ?